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Sale!Los ruidos fuertes y la exposición prolongada pueden provocar con el tiempo una pérdida de audición. En este curso rápido, aprenderá a identificar los peligros más comunes y a tomar métodos de precaución para proteger su audición.
Sale!En este curso rápido, aprenderá a identificar los peligros de caídas verticales más comunes y a utilizar las mejores prácticas para reducir el riesgo de caídas.
Sale!Los agentes patógenos transmitidos por la sangre suponen un grave peligro para su salud y sus oportunidades en la vida. Y lo que es peor, la transmisión de patógenos sanguíneos es posible en cualquier entorno de trabajo. En este curso rápido, aprenderá sobre los peligros más comunes y las estrategias para protegerse.
Sale!Los productos químicos se utilizan con frecuencia en diversos lugares de trabajo por una serie de razones. Cada producto químico plantea peligros únicos que ponen en peligro su salud y la de los demás. Estos peligros se detallan en las etiquetas y pictogramas de los productos químicos y en este curso aprenderá a entenderlos para protegerse.
Sale!Los espacios confinados suponen un riesgo importante en el lugar de trabajo debido a los cambios en los factores ambientales, como el agotamiento del oxígeno y la acumulación de gases tóxicos. En este curso rápido, aprenderá las mejores prácticas de seguridad en espacios confinados.
Sale!Las Hojas de Datos de Seguridad (HDS) cumplen la función vital de detallar los peligros que suponen las sustancias químicas, cómo utilizarlas correctamente y qué medidas de precaución hay que tomar. En este curso rápido, aprenderá a utilizar las HDS en su beneficio.
Sale!Carbon Monoxide (CO) is an invisible, tasteless and odorless gas that can be lethal to human beings. Due to its difficult detection, carbon monoxide is a serious concern in the work place.
Sale!El asbesto es un material increíblemente peligroso que ha causado miles de muertes. En este curso, los alumnos recibirán formación para comprender los peligros de la exposición e inhalación del amianto, así como la forma de minimizar la exposición al material tóxico.
Sale!Many workers who are sick with the flu refuse to let the illness prevent them from working, thinking they can “tough it out.” So they go to work with a reduced ability to work safely and productively, and they jeopardize the health of their co-workers.
Sale!Lead exposure is a serious issue that many workers face every day. This quick course will cover the dangers of lead in the workplace.
Sale!Ce cours en ligne complet sur le SIMDUT 2015 est une exploration approfondie des notions de base du SIMDUT. Le site a été mis à jour avec les nouvelles informations supplémentaires reçues du SGH
Sale!When an accident happens and a hazardous chemical spill occurs, several different outcomes are possible. Businesses that want to successfully cope and recover after an accident must take a comprehensive approach to spill prevention and management.
Sale!Radiation or Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), is energy in a wave form. Non-ionizing radiation is very prevalent and comes from both natural and human – made sources. It includes electric and magnetic fields, radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet and visible radiation. The litmus test is how do workers protect themselves or limit their exposure to non – ionizing radiation.
Sale!Ionizing radiation is high frequency and high-energy and can penetrate the body – it has enough energy to break up atoms and molecules as it passes through the body. When radiation is absorbed in the body it causes chemical reactions to occur which can alter the normal functions of the body. At high doses this can result in massive cell death, organ damage and even death. At low closes the situation is more complex.
Sale!Every day, without noticing, we pass doors that have “Exit” signs. Usually we don’t remember that emergency exit doors are vital to our safety.
Thousands of Courses Conveniently Packaged
Sure you can move forward a la carte and buy individual courses, but our experts have built bundled packages to meet your industry specific needs.

Whether you’re in the construction industry, retail, manufacturing, electrical trade, or oil and gas sector, safety training is mandatory. For some employers, providing the required safety training for all their employees and supervisors can be a challenge. Online training is a cost-effective, flexible, competency-based, and convenient form of safety training.
SafetyNow online training has been shown to reduce accident & incident rates by over 50%, cut liability insurance premiums by over 40%, and increase productivity and product quality. Better safety training yields results!
The SafetyNow Essential package includes over 160 courses, with new micro-training adding every month. You’ll get 31 Full-length Essential Compliant courses, over 100 Micro-training courses, 15 Better Business courses, and over 30 Refresher courses. That works out to less than $0.016/course/month.
Compliant safety training and an LMS for pennies.
Essential Compliant Courses
- Active Shooter Response
- Aerial and Scissor Lift Safety
- Back Safety and Injury Prevention
- BBP – Bloodborne Pathogens
- Cold Stress
- Confined Space Entry – Permit Required
- Driver Safety
- Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace
- Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace – Canada
- Electrical Safety
- Emergency Response
- Fall Protection
- Fire Extinguisher Basics
- Fire Safety
- First Aid: Fundamentals
- GHS Hazcom – Hazard Communication
- Hearing Conservation
- Heat Stress
- Ladder Safety
- LOTO – Lockout-Tagout
- Machine Guarding
- Materials Handling
- Office Safety
- Powered Industrial Truck Safety
- PPE – Personal Protective Equipment: Respiratory Protection
- Sexual Harassment for Employees
- Slips, Trips & Falls
- Struck-by and Caught-Between
- Trenching and Excavation Trenching and Excavation
- Violence in the Workplace
- WHMIS 2015 – Standard

The SafetyNow Fundamental package includes over 200 courses, with new micro-training adding every month. You’ll get 57 Full-length Compliant courses, over 100 Micro-training courses, 15 Better Business courses, and over 30 Refresher courses. Expand your safety training beyond the essential regulatory requirements to include the recommended additional safety training from Industry and certified training experts.
Fundamental Safety Courses
- All 31 Essential Courses +
- Asbestos Hazard Awareness
- Asbestos Hazard Awareness – Canada
- Behavior-Based Safety
- Cannabis Workplace Safety for Employees
- Cannabis Workplace Safety for Employers
- Chemical Safety
- Chlorine Safety
- Computer Security
- Discrimination-Free Workplace
- Flammable Liquid Safety
- Hand and Power Tools
- Hand Safety
- Hot Work
- Incident Investigation
- Industrial Ergonomics
- Introduction to Radiation Safety
- Job Hazard Analysis
- Laboratory Safety
- Lead Awareness
- NFPA 70E Arc Flash
- Office Ergonomics
- PPE Fundamentals
- Preventing Workplace Harassment
- Safety Audits
- Safety Awareness
- Scaffold Safety
- Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan
- Workspace Cleanliness

Access every single course (except for specialty) – always compliant, always engaging, always effective.
Bear Essentials $39.95
Canadian Heavy Truck Weight & Dimensions $24.95
CMVs – Safe Driving Behavior for Commercial Motor Vehicles $24.15
H2S Awareness Online Training $49.95
Joint Health & Safety Committees & Representative Online $124.95
Managing Safety Self-Awareness $39.95
Safety Orientation 101 $99.95
SPECIALTY/FRENCH: Transport des Marchandises Dangereuses $36.00
Construction, General & New York City
Research shows that 70% of development happens on the job. At SafetyNow we work hard to make sure you have the engaging training to upskill your employees.
Our entire reason for getting up in the morning is to help as many businesses & organizations as we can to empower their employees & make sure they are safe, healthy, & productive.
Our expansive Employee & Manager Library includes training courses to train new employees, existing employees, new managers, experienced managers, and members of the HR & Executive teams.
Courses cover everything from benefits & leave, compensation, discrimination, health & safety, HR management, performance & termination, and employee communication. You can get access to the entire collection of 83 elearning courses for the starting price of $3.85/learner/month including access to our award-winning Learning Management Platform.
List of Courses
- 8 Steps to Effective One-on-Ones
- 8 Steps to Effective Team Meetings
- Coaching Skills: Captain
- Coaching Skills: Contributor
- Coaching Skills: Introduction
- Coaching Skills: Key Player
- Effective Performance Reviews: Effective Performance Reviews for Managers
- Effective Performance Reviews: Handling a Bad Performance Review
- Effective Performance Reviews: Preparing for Your Review
- Effective Performance Reviews: Self Assessments
- Going from Coworker to Boss
- Managing Different Generations
- How to Be an Ally
- Adopting Inclusive Behaviours at Work
- Working With Different Generations: Introduction to the Working Generations
- Working With Different Generations: Working Together Across Generations
- Working With Different Generations: Working With Baby Boomers
- Working With Different Generations: Working With Gen X
- Working With Different Generations: Working With Gen Z
- Working With Different Generations: Working With Millennials
- Anti-Harassment: 01. Anti-Harassment for Everyone
- Anti-Harassment: 02. Anti-Harassment for Managers
- Anti-Harassment: 03. Writing and Communicating an Anti-Harassment Policy
- Anti-Harassment: 04. Investigating Complaints
- Anti-Harassment: 05. History of Sexual Harassment
- Avoiding Discrimination: 5 Keys
- Diversifying Your Leadership Team
- Employee Recognition
- Fix That Bad Attitude
- Managing for Accountability
- Managing for Engagement: Creating Engagement
- Managing for Engagement: Engagement Matters
- Managing Interns
- Managing People Offsite
- Managing the Grapevine
- Managing Time Versus Energy
- Managing Up: The Art of Managing Your Manager
- Microaggressions
- Understanding Harassment: 01. Introduction to Understanding Harassment
- Understanding Harassment: 02. Understanding Offenders
- Understanding Harassment: 03. Understanding Targets
- Understanding Harassment: 04. Bystander Training
- Understanding Harassment: 05. Warning Signs
- Understanding Harassment: 06. Healthy Culture
- Understanding Harassment: 07. Understanding Harassment in Review
- Analyzing Employee Performance: Can-Do, Will-Do: Actions
- Analyzing Employee Performance: Can-Do, Will-Do: Introduction
- Analyzing Employee Performance: Can-Do, Will-Do: Questions and Tips
- Anti-Racism for Leaders: Allyship
- Anti-Racism for Leaders: Creating and Implementing Policy
- Anti-Racism for Leaders: Diversity-Focused Recruitment
- Anti-Racism for Leaders: Evaluating Your Organization
- Anti-Racism for Leaders: Maintaining Momentum for Leaders
- Anti-Racism for Leaders: Mitigating Bias
- Anti-Racism: Calling Out and Calling In
- Anti-Racism: Colorblindness Doesn’t Work
- Anti-Racism: Learning to Listen and Listening to Learn
- Anti-Racism: Maintaining Momentum
- Anti-Racism: The Anti-Racism Continuum
- Ethics for Managers
- Inheriting Underperformers
- Introverts and Extroverts: Introduction to Introverts and Extroverts
- Introverts and Extroverts: Managing Extroverts
- Introverts and Extroverts: Managing Introverts
- Leadership of a Diverse Group
- Mistakes Leaders Make: Six Wrong Ways to Manage
- Motivating Won’t Do’s
- Psychological Safety for Employees
- Psychological Safety for Managers
- Staying Positive
- Successful Delegation
- Tokenism
- Unconscious Bias: 01. What is Unconscious Bias?
- Unconscious Bias: 02. Types of Unconscious Bias
- Unconscious Bias: 03. Overcoming Unconscious Bias
- Working Well with Everyone: 01. What is Diversity?
- Working Well with Everyone: 02. The Diversity Continuum
- Working Well with Everyone: 03. The Mistake of Stereotyping
- Working Well with Everyone: 04. The Power of Inclusion
- Working Well with Everyone: 05. Diversity = Greatness
- Career Change
- Creating a Work Plan
- Isms: Avoiding Items in the Workplace
- Isms: Exploring Isms in the Workplace
- Isms: Overcoming Isms in the Workplace
- Mistakes Leaders Make: Impedership
- Neurodiversity: Misconceptions About Neurodiversity
- Neurodiversity: Working With Neurodiverse People
- Privilege: Privilege Scenarios
- Privilege: Using Your Privilege
- Privilege: What is Privilege?
- Supervising a Pronoid
- You Get What You Manage – The Pygmalion Effect
- Customer Service Basics
- Productivity Through Praise
- Professional Boundaries: Confidentiality
- Professional Boundaries: Conflicts of Interest
- Professional Boundaries: Nepotism and Favoritism
- Professional Boundaries: Office Romances
- Rethinking Brainstorming
- Riding Along with Sales Reps
- Running a Sales Meeting
- S.C.A.M.P.E.R.
- Territory Management: Managing a New Territory
- Privacy Course Module – HIPAA (US)
- Mental Health Awareness and Support in the Workplace
SafetyNow offers all 31 of the Essential full length courses in French.
SafetyNow currently offers over 250 Spanish safety training courses, and is adding over 20 more each month.

ERGO Inc.’s elearning suite is a fully narrated, engaging, and dynamic suite of 5 core office ergonomic modules. Your employees will learn to correctly set themselves up at a computer workstation and how to use proper body mechanics when performing work functions. Becoming more knowledgeable with their workstation and work tasks will allow employees to be more productive, efficient and safe. It has been designed to deliver critical ergonomic and injury prevention information for office staff anywhere, at anytime.
E-learning provides:
- Animated graphics, audio narration, motion and a flexible format
- Available 24/7 self-paced learning
ERGO Inc.’s Office Ergonomic E-learning modules include:
- Desktop and laptop ergonomic set up and stretching for computer users
- Proper selection of an office chair & 7 steps to properly adjust an office chair
- ERGO Tips for mousing, laptop use, keying and safe handling
- The ergonomics of sit/stand workstations
- How to implement the RIGHT kind of stretching and wellness procedures for ergonomic health
eLearning Administrative Features
You can buy a single module, or all 5 as a suite.
ERGO Inc.’s E-learning solutions can be delivered through SafetyNow or your own LMS. Volume pricing options are available. All courses are guaranteed to work on any LMS and any device.
Download the 2021/2022 ERGO Consulting Services Brochure
Download a Laptop Ergonomics Toolkit Card
Download a Mental Health & Ergonomics Toolkit Card
Utah Food Handlers Training $35.34
ANSI-Accredited Food Handler Training $11.10
Ohio Person-in-Charge Certification in Food Protection $17.99
Florida Food Safety First $13.89
California Food Handler – San Diego County Specific Course $13.89
Texas Food Manager Certification $48.61
Ohio Manager Certification in Food Protection $118.05
Food Safety Manager Principles Training $118.05
ANSI Food Manager Certification Exam with Online Proctor $89.25
Washington D.C. On-Premises Alcohol Awareness Training $34.72
Vermont Alcohol Server Awareness Program (ASAP) $34.72
Washington D.C. Off-Premises Alcohol Awareness Training $34.72
South Carolina Alcohol Seller-Server Training (On-Premises) $20.84
Indiana Alcohol Server Training (On-Premises) $27.76
Indiana Alcohol Server Training (Off-Premises) $27.76
Wyoming Alcohol Seller-Server Training $34.72
Vermont Alcohol Server Awareness Program (ASAP) Off-Premises $34.72
Illinois BASSET Training $20.82
Tobacco Seller Training $13.81
Virginia Alcohol Seller-Server Training $18.05
South Carolina Alcohol Seller-Server Training (Off-Premises) $20.84
North Carolina Responsible Alcohol Seller-Server Training $20.82
Maine Alcohol Seller-Server Training (On-Premises) $13.87
Alcohol Seller-Server Training (On-Premises) $10.41
Alcohol Seller-Server Training (Off-Premises) $10.41
Tennessee Responsible Wine Vendor $20.84
Oregon Alcohol Server Education $20.84
Tennessee Responsible Beer Vendor $16.66
Michigan Alcohol Seller-Server Training $27.76
Oklahoma Alcohol Seller-Server Training $15.20
TABC Certification Training – Alcohol Seller-Server $15.34
Arizona Title 4 Management Training (Off-Premises) $48.61
Arizona Title 4 Management Training (On-Premises) $48.61
Arizona Title 4 Basic Training (Off-Premises) $22.15
Arizona Title 4 Basic Training (On-Premises) $29.16
Utah E.A.S.Y Off-Premises Alcohol Sales Training $23.61
Bowling Green Kentucky Alcohol Seller-Server Training $34.72
Lexington-Fayette Kentucky Alcohol Seller-Server Training $34.72
New York ATAP Certification (Off-Premises) $27.76
New York ATAP Certification (On-Premises) $27.76
Utah On-Premise Alcohol Seller-Server Training $34.16
Wisconsin Responsible Beverage Server Training $20.76
California Responsible Beverage Server Training (RBS) $64.14