Il y a environ 30 décès reliés à des appareils de levage chaque année. Le but de ce cours est de permettre aux étudiants d’identifier les types les plus courants des appareils de levage et d’élévateurs à ciseaux, les risques associés avec leur utilisation, leurs critères d’inspection et les méthodes de travail sécuritaire avec ces appareils.
“Air pollution is a major environmental risk to health. By reducing air pollution levels, countries can reduce the burden of disease from stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and both chronic and acute respiratory diseases, including asthma.” The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 were passed to reduce pollution and establish standards for industrial air emissions.
Sale!An injury-free office helps your workplace run smoothly. This quick course will cover some common hazards in office settings and how to avoid them.
The purpose of the NFPA standard 70E is to provide a standard for safety-related work practices for the construction, maintenance, operation and demolition of electrical systems in the workplace. This Overview covers awareness-level information for workers who have jobs or assignments that bring them into contact with electrical hazards, such as arc flash and electric shock. Completing this lesson does not designate an employee as an electrically-qualified worker
Sale!In this quick course, learners will learn about the hazards and health effects of asbestos. In addition, they will learn about common sources of asbestos in a variety of workplaces and what precautionary measures they can take.
Sale!Asbestos is a natural, fibrous silicate mineral. Exposure has proved extremely dangerous; microscopic asbestos fibers, when inhaled, can cause certain types of often fatal lung disease, making asbestos hazard awareness an essential training topic.
Sale!El asbesto es un material increíblemente peligroso que ha causado miles de muertes. En este curso, los alumnos recibirán formación para comprender los peligros de la exposición e inhalación del amianto, así como la forma de minimizar la exposición al material tóxico.
Sale!En este curso rápido, los alumnos aprenderán sobre los peligros y los efectos del amianto en la salud. Además, aprenderán sobre las fuentes comunes de amianto en una variedad de lugares de trabajo y qué medidas de precaución pueden tomar.
Sale!In this quick course, learners will learn the hazards posed by autoclaves and sterilizers, in addition to best practices for safety.
Sale!Horseplay is rough play, practical jokes and other physical humor which can endanger workers. This quick course covers the dangers of horseplay and how to protect yourself from these dangerous actions including thinking of the victim, discouragement, training and reporting.
Sale!This course will remind you that no matter your workplace setting, workplace violence can happen to anyone. It will cover best practices for interpersonal safety so that you can be safe from violence.