Sale!Working in cold weather can have a chilling effect on your body. This micro course will cover the dangers of working in the cold and how to protect yourself from serious cold related dangers.
Sale!Trabajar en un clima frío puede tener un efecto escalofriante en su cuerpo. Se corre el riesgo de que se vea afectada su función motora, su capacidad de juicio y las lesiones y enfermedades causadas por el frío. En este curso rápido se explica cómo mantenerse caliente en el frío.
Sale!Lead exposure is a serious issue that many workers face every day. This quick course will cover the dangers of lead in the workplace.
Even a little lead poisoning can cause serious health problems, and at very high levels, it can be fatal. Almost 95% of elevated blood lead levels among adults are work-related. Upon completion, you will recall hazards and health effects of lead exposure, ways to determine if there is lead in your workplace, and how to control lead exposure.
Sale!One area in life we cannot afford to learn the hard way is avoiding injury at work (or at home). This quick course will talk about learning the hard way and how to protect yourself from further injury.
Sale!One area in life we cannot afford to learn the hard way is avoiding injury at work (or at home). This quick course will talk about learning the hard way and how to protect yourself from further injury. (Spanish version)
Sale!Individuals need to identify and plan for the potential of lightning before beginning a work activity or any leisure activity during storm season. This quick course will cover the dangers of lightning and how to protect yourself.
Sale!Individuals need to identify and plan for the potential of lightning before beginning a work activity or any leisure activity during storm season. This quick course will cover the dangers of lightning and how to protect yourself. (Spanish Version)
The purpose of the NFPA standard 70E is to provide a standard for safety-related work practices for the construction, maintenance, operation and demolition of electrical systems in the workplace. This Overview covers awareness-level information for workers who have jobs or assignments that bring them into contact with electrical hazards, such as arc flash and electric shock. Completing this lesson does not designate an employee as an electrically-qualified worker.
This Lock and Tag lesson creates awareness about the purpose of lock and tag procedures and employee roles and responsibilities related to lock and tag requirements. The lesson provides an overview of the hazards of uncontrolled energy sources and employer responsibilities and requirements for lock and tag. It also briefly outlines steps to protect workers.
Sale!Workers injured on the job from exposure to hazardous energy lose an average of 24 workdays for recuperation. This course covers the purpose of LOTO, locks and tags and their use, and the differences between authorized, affected and other employees.