Sale!A job hazard analysis (JHA), sometimes called a job safety analysis (JSA), is a systematic method for identifying and evaluating hazards associated with a job or task. This course covers what a JHA is and how to use one. (French version)
Sale!In this quick course, you will learn about the hazards of abrasive wheel grinders and how to safely use them.
Sale!En este curso rápido, conocerá los peligros de las amoladoras de disco abrasivo y cómo utilizarlas de forma segura.
Sale!This quick course covers the dangers of stacking and storing materials incorrectly and how to correctly stack and store materials depending on the materials you are working with.
Sale!There is no time like the present to learn the best handwashing skills. More than simple lathering and rinsing, you will learn strategies to maximize your protection in this course.
Sale!Choosing the right footwear carefully is important, because in certain instances, the right protective footwear can save your life. This quick course covers types of hazards to the feet and how to protect yourself.
Sale!Whenever, there is a workplace accident or illness, or a close call / near miss is experienced, the situation must be reported. Often times many of these incidents, especially first aid type of injuries are not reported which can lead to issues for the worker and the business.
Sale!Even a minor hand injury can be painful and inconvenient. You don’t want to find out how life-changing a major hand injury would be. This quick course covers the danger of hand injuries and how to protect yourself from common hand injuries.
Sale!Machine guards serve a vital role in the workplace. They reduce the risk of cuts, lacerations, amputations, and other injuries. This quick course will teach you about the importance of machine guards and how to use them to your advantage.
Sale!Every day, without noticing, we pass doors that have “Exit” signs. Usually we don’t remember that emergency exit doors are vital to our safety.
Sale!Working in cold weather can have a chilling effect on your body. This micro course will cover the dangers of working in the cold and how to protect yourself from serious cold related dangers.
Sale!Trabajar en un clima frío puede tener un efecto escalofriante en su cuerpo. Se corre el riesgo de que se vea afectada su función motora, su capacidad de juicio y las lesiones y enfermedades causadas por el frío. En este curso rápido se explica cómo mantenerse caliente en el frío.