Sale!Among all the potential hazards in the construction industry, 4 account the most reported work-related injuries. In this Safety Tip course, employees will learn about the top 4 hazards and ways to protect themselves.
Sale!Summertime brings a wave of hazards to the work environment, ranging from heat to fires. In this Safety Tip course, employees will learn how to protect themselves from summer hazards and work safely.
Sale!Eye strain is a common symptom of staring at computer screen, long drives, or brightly lit areas. In this Safety Tip course, employees will learn strategies to reduce eye strain and maintain the health of their eyes.
Sale!Simply put, sitting for extended periods of time damages the body significantly. In this Safety Tip course, employees will learn strategies and techniques to keep their body healthy and reduce the negative effects of sitting.
Sale!Slips, trips, and falls only get more likely during the winter months due to snow, ice, and fog. In this Safety Tip course, employees will identify winter-specific slip, trip, and fall hazards and learn best practices to ensure their safety.
Sale!Extension cords can pose a variety of risks, ranging from trips, fires, and electrocutions. In this Safety Tip course, employees will learn about best practices for extension cord use to preserve their own and others' safety while on the job.
Sale!Chainsaws, while incredibly useful, are the cause of horror movie style injuries. In this Safety Tip course, employees will learn about the hazards posed by chainsaws and safe practices for their operation.
Sale!In this Safety Tip course, employees will learn best practices for ensuring their safety while performing road work.
Sale!Respiratory protection plays a crucial role in the survival and wellbeing of employees. In this Safety Tip course, employees will identify common respiratory hazards and learn what respiratory is necessary for different hazards.
Sale!Tripping hazards are present in every workplace in the forms of debris, cords, ledges, or just stairs. In this Safety Tip course, employees will identify common tripping hazards and learn strategies for reducing their presence in the workplace.
Sale!Power tools, while useful, can cause a variety of hazards, ranging from catching on clothing to fatal injuries. In this Safety Tip course, employees will learn about the dangers posed by power tools and best practices for safe use.
Sale!For many workplaces, falls are an inevitability. Personal fall arrest systems are deployed to ensure every fall is safe. In this Safety Tip course, employees will learn about the importance of personal fall arrest systems and how to safely use them.