Sale!Las escaleras parecen sencillas, pero suponen un importante riesgo de caída en el lugar de trabajo. En este curso rápido, aprenderá las mejores prácticas para el uso seguro de las escaleras para garantizar que todos vuelvan a casa sin lesiones.
Sale!En este curso rápido, los alumnos aprenderán sobre los peligros y los efectos del amianto en la salud. Además, aprenderán sobre las fuentes comunes de amianto en una variedad de lugares de trabajo y qué medidas de precaución pueden tomar.
Sale!Proper communication and safety go hand in hand. If there is no communication for given work tasks then safety is missing.
Sale!Proper communication is crucial for a job to run safely and efficiently. This quick course covers why communication is so important when it comes to safety. When communication is insufficient or missing totally there can be many negative consequences for employees and the company as a whole.
Sale!La comunicación adecuada es crucial para que un trabajo se desarrolle de forma segura y eficiente. Este curso rápido explica por qué la comunicación es tan importante cuando se trata de la seguridad. Cuando la comunicación es insuficiente o falta totalmente, puede haber muchas consecuencias negativas para los empleados y la empresa en su conjunto.
Sale!For most of us, life and work can be stressful. There really is no getting around this. This course will cover what stress is, how we react to stress, common types of stress and how to manage stress.
Sale!For most of us, life and work can be stressful. There really is no getting around this. This course will cover what stress is, how we react to stress, common types of stress and how to manage stress.
Sale!Managers and leaders need to be able to communicate effectively in order to engage and connect with others. This requires listening effectively, avoiding filters or biases, rephrasing, and speaking persuasively. This course will cover ideas on how to communicate effectively and how to avoid barriers in communication.
Sale!In this course, you will learn the managers role in letting someone go and how to plan to let an employee go including how to tell someone they are being let go, after letting someone go, how to let someone go in a virtual meeting and illegal reasons for firing an employee.
Sale!Hiring the best people you can is paramount. This course will go over how to conduct an initial interview including how to find the perfect person, preparing for the interview, questions to ask and conducting the interview.
Sale!As a general rule, personal effectiveness means to utilize all of your skills, talent, and energy to reach a goal or set of goals in your life. This course goes over ways to improve your personal effectiveness at work and how to maximize your personal effectiveness.
Sale!This course explores the tools and methods to review and plan performance, reward excellence, and provide feedback where improvement is needed. It examines the development of performance standards and the link between performance management and performance development, reinforcing both functions as a key requirement for effective management of employees.