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    Storytelling – HR Course

    Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $9.99.
    This course covers how storytelling can be valuable for a business. It covers types of persuasion, types of stories and how to make storytelling effective.
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  • After completing this course, learners will be able to identify components of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, identify best practices for housekeeping, spill prevention, inspections, erosion control, and responding to a hazmat spill/release.
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    Stopping Slips, Trips and Falls – Micro Course

    Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.99.
    Slip, trip, and fall injuries are one of the most common causes of workplace injuries and death. This micro course will cover the dangers associated with a slip, trip or fall and how to protect yourself from hazards that could cause you to slip, trip or fall.
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    Staying Safe on Scaffolds – Quick Course (Spanish)

    Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.99.
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    Stay Strong As You Age- Quick Course

    Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.99.
    In this quick course we’ll look at some of the issues workers face as they age and what they can do to stay focused and accident-free.
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    Stay Safe Working in the Heat – Quick Course (Spanish)

    Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.99.
    El calor no sólo es un peligro en el trabajo al aire libre, sino que está presente en los ambientes interiores y plantea los mismos riesgos de agotamiento por calor, sarpullido e insolación. En este curso rápido, aprenderá sobre los peligros comunes del calor y las medidas de precaución que puede tomar para su seguridad y la de los demás.
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    Stay Safe Working In The Heat

    Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.99.
    Heat is not only a hazard in outdoor work, but is present in indoor environments and poses the same risks of heat exhaustion, rash, and stroke. In this quick course, you will learn about common heat hazards and precautionary measures you can take for your and others' safety.
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    Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan

    Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $9.99.
    This course covers the harmful effects of spilled oil and regulations for oil pollution prevention. The purpose and requirements of a SPCC Plan, procedures to prevent spills, and measures for stopping a spill from reaching the environment.
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    Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure Plan

    Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $9.99.
    According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), many of the 14,000 oil spills reported each year are caused by industry activities resulting from storage tank rupturing, pipeline leaks, and oil transport accidents.
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    Spill Prevention and Management – Quick Course

    Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.99.
    When an accident happens and a hazardous chemical spill occurs, several different outcomes are possible. Businesses that want to successfully cope and recover after an accident must take a comprehensive approach to spill prevention and management.
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    Spiders – Quick Course (Spanish)

    Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.50.
    Some spiders occasionally find their way inside structures or buildings and can also present a risk to indoor workers including machine operators, janitors, and cashiers. Insects bites, stings cause thousands of workplace injuries. This quick course covers the dangers around working in an area where spiders may be and how to protect yourself. (Spanish version)
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    Spiders – Quick Course

    Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.50.
    Some spiders occasionally find their way inside structures or buildings and can also present a risk to indoor workers including machine operators, janitors, and cashiers. Insects bites, stings cause thousands of workplace injuries. This quick course covers the dangers around working in an area where spiders may be and how to protect yourself.
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  • This course meets all of Transport Canada’s training requirements under the TDG Regulations, for all persons involved in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by ground. A final exam is required to complete the course.
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  • This course meets all of Transport Canada’s training requirements under the TDG Regulations, for all persons involved in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by ground. A final exam is required to complete the course.
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  • Slips, trips & falls are the 2nd leading cause of workplace deaths. They are also the leading cause of workplace accidents with over 200,000 reported every year. This course will cover what safety laws say about slips, trips & falls, what hazards to look out for and how you can avoid slips, trips and falls when you work.
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  • According to the BLS, hard hats were worn by 16% of workers who sustained head injuries, even though 40% were required to wear them. This course covers workplace head hazards, types of PPE for the head, and proper fit and care for head protection.
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  • Hand injuries send a million workers to ERs each year. Hand injuries are the No. 2 leading cause of work-related injury, but also the most preventable. This course will help users recognize, identify and describe the value of PPE for hand safety.
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  • Wearing PPE is sometimes the only control for specific hazards. The focus of this course is to help employees identify types of PPE and the hazards they protect against, explain characteristics of PPE and worker and employer PPE responsibilities.
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  • Wearing PPE is sometimes the only control for specific hazards. The focus of this course is to help employees identify types of foot protection and the hazards they protect against, explain characteristics of PPE and worker and employer PPE responsibilities.
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  • The goal of this course is to enable learners to recognize the hazards of falling, components of personal fall arrest systems and how they work together to arrest a fall, and how to inspect, don, and properly attach the system to an anchorage point.
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  • Aprender sobre ergonomía puede prevenir lesiones. Este curso explica por qué la ergonomía ayuda a prevenir las lesiones en la oficina, proporciona ideas y procedimientos para prevenir el dolor o las lesiones, y describe estrategias para que la oficina sea más ergonómica.
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  • Upon completion, workers will be able to define hazards of machinery, identify requirements for safeguards, methods for guarding, types of machine safeguards, and recall the rights and responsibilities of an employee working around guarded machinery.
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  • Workers injured on the job from exposure to hazardous energy lose an average of 24 workdays for recuperation. This course covers the purpose of LOTO, locks and tags and their use, and the differences between authorized, affected and other employees.
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  • Upon completion of the course learners will understand common hazards of ladder use, recognize types of ladders, requirements for use, fall prevention techniques, and how to inspect ladders before and after use to ensure safe use.
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  • Poor ergonomics can cause pain and injury. This course covers the purpose of ergonomics, common ergonomic problems and their signs and symptoms, and how changes in habits and workspace arrangement can reduce ergo related problems.
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  • This course covers the hazards and health effects of hydrogen sulfide exposure, methods used to detect, monitor and warn of hydrogen sulfide, and ways to protect against exposure, as well as responses to hydrogen sulfide exposures and emergencies.
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  • This course covers the hazards of hot work, requirements for performing hot work, equipment and precautions to ensure the safety of hot work employees, and safety practices for arc welding and cutting and oxygen-fuel gas cutting and welding.
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  • After completing this course learners will be able to identify heat related hazards, types of heat illnesses (heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat rash, etc.), symptoms and treatment of heat related illnesses and how to protect against heat stress.
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  • In this course, employees learn how to identify noise hazards that could damage hearing, factors that determine the extent of hearing loss, when hearing protection is required, and steps to take to reduce potential hearing damage.
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  • The hands are involved in almost everything a worker does. To prevent injuries workers must be able to identify hand hazards, understand how to prevent hand injuries, and know the different types of hand protection and when to use them.
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  • Employees will be able to recognize different types of tools, including manual, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, liquid-fueled, powder-actuated, and abrasive wheel tools, identify hazards of use, and recall safe work procedures for each type of tool.
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  • This course covers forklift inspection criteria, and procedures for maintenance, refueling and recharging units.
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  • Upon completion, learners will be able to recall how to properly leave a forklift after use, general rules for safe operation, and what to do in a fall or tip over.
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  • This course covers safe driving practices for forklift safely, including how to recognize hazardous driving conditions, safe practices for working around pedestrians, and safe work practices on loading docks.
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  • Upon completion, learners will be able to describe procedures for safe load handling, including how to safely pick up, travel with, unload and stack a load, including the safest way to travel up and down ramps with or without a load.
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  • Forklift tip-overs and unstable loads are dangerous. This course covers forklift stability and capacity principles, the stability triangle and its importance in safe operation, and other principles of safe forklift operation.
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