Sale!Every federally regulated carrier and trucker must comply with the HOS rules. This course will cover what Hours of Service is, responsibilities, rules and requirements, off-duty information and regulations in Canada.
Sale!Los trabajos de excavación y zanjas matan a más de 50 trabajadores al año. Los empleados aprenderán a identificar los riesgos de excavación y zanja, las prácticas de trabajo seguras y los sistemas de protección, así como a recordar los requisitos de protección contra derrumbes diseñados para mantener a los trabajadores seguros.
Sale!En este curso, aprenderá a evitar que se produzcan quemaduras en el trabajo, a reconocer el grado de una quemadura, a prestar primeros auxilios para diferentes grados de quemaduras y a prestar primeros auxilios para tipos especiales de quemaduras, incluidas las quemaduras eléctricas, las quemaduras por derrames químicos y las quemaduras térmicas (por calor).
Sale!A background investigation generally involves determining whether an applicant may be unqualified for a position due to a record of criminal conviction, motor vehicle violations, poor credit history, or misrepresentation regarding education or work history. This US specific course covers why a background check is necessary, types of background checks and best practices.
Sale!Fatigue can lead to mistakes on the job. And those mistakes can lead to injuries and fatalities. This quick course covers the dangers of working while experiencing fatigue and how to identify a fatigued worker and how to protect yourself.
Sale!Imagine a vehicle that weighs twice as much as your car, can’t stop nearly as quickly and is operated by a person who may not see you. This quick course covers the dangers of working around forklifts and ways to protect yourself when working in areas with forklifts.
Sale!This quick course covers the importance of addressing and reporting complaints including the current perception of reporting and how to address complaints and some guidelines to share with employees for reporting complaints.
Sale!Maintenance employees are confronted with many hazards that can cause injury or death. This quick course covers the risk of asbestos and exposure in the workplace and how to protect yourself.
Sale!It’s important for you to understand the potential hazards that you may be exposed to while working with hazardous waste. This quick course will cover the dangers associated with hazardous waste and how to protect yourself from them.
Sale!This course outlines tips and strategies on how to get the right candidate to say yes to your job offer including preparatory stages, getting to know your company, preparing for advance hiring and more.
Sale!The circumstance of people who work alone vary but they all face similar challenges. This course will cover the risks of working alone including the six types of categories of a lone worker, strategies for coping when working alone and what can be done to help a lone worker.