This course will outline, in five steps, how health & safety awareness is imperative for worker safety. This course addresses safety and awareness in British Columbia by covering supervisor responsibilities, the rights of workers, understanding hazards in your workplace, getting help and being a role model.
Sale!Employee development conversations are crucial for identifying your employee’s goals, supporting their growth, and helping them reach their full career potential. This course will help you understand the importance of developmental conversations and how to navigate them.
Sale!In this course, we'll define what a healthy workplace is, and we'll look at its benefits for you, your team, and your organization. We'll also explore practical and inexpensive strategies that you can use to transform your team's working environment.
Sale!This course gives you information and practical advice on how to handle an investigation effectively.
Sale!In this course you will learn tips to implement with your virtual team to improve communication and overall productivity and performance.
Sale!To be wrongfully terminated is to be fired for an illegal reason, which may involve violation of federal laws or a contractual breach. This course covers what constitutes wrongful termination and how to avoid a wrongful termination situation.
Sale!En este curso rápido, aprenderá las técnicas de primeros auxilios para administrar la RCP e identificar cuándo es necesaria la RCP en el trabajo.
Sale!La mayoría de las regulaciones requieren que si usted trabaja en una excavación que es de cinco pies de profundidad (o más profundo), su empleador debe protegerlo contra el colapso de la zanja, derrumbes y otros peligros de zanjas y excavaciones. Este curso rápido revisará los peligros de zanjas y excavaciones y cómo protegerse.
Sale!En este curso rápido, aprenderá a identificar los riesgos de electrocución y a tomar medidas preventivas para que el lugar de trabajo sea más seguro.
Sale!En este curso rápido, usted aprenderá acerca de los riesgos respiratorios comunes en el lugar de trabajo y cómo utilizar adecuadamente su respiración para evitar daños y enfermedades respiratorias.