Sale!A high percentage of all annual work-related fatalities are caused by motor vehicle crashes. Many of these deaths could have been avoided if the drivers and passengers in these vehicles had worn their seatbelts.
Accidents and injuries have both a human and a business cost, so it is advantageous for employees to practice safe behaviors and mitigate unsafe behaviors in the workplace. This lesson introduces behavior-based safety concepts to employees and creates awareness around what influences employees to change unsafe behaviors before an accident or injury happens.
Sale!Safety is a series of choices made by workers each day, choices involving behaviors in the workplace. It’s in how you train, what precautions you take when performing tasks, and your level of awareness to external factors that may jeopardize your wellbeing.
Sale!This quick course covers the importance of taking safety seriously off the job including how to protect yourself when you're not at work and tips on working safely in places like your garage or in your vehicle or during recreational activities.